Legal disclaimers

Stefnir hf. (hereafter “Stefnir” or “the Company”) bases the information on its website, social media and other platforms on sources which the Company considers reliable, but it cannot be guaranteed that such information is correct. Stefnir hf. is not obliged to update the information on the website or other media of the Company, and the information and the opinions which appear there may change without notice.

The information which appears on this website and/or other media of the Company may be considered marketing as defined in Act No. 115/2021. If material and/or information is marketing material as defined by the act it is labelled as such. Under no circumstances does such information constitute advice to buy or sell particular financial instruments. Users of the website and/or other Stefnir media are solely responsible for the investment decisions taken on the basis of the information published on the website and/or other media.

Stefnir hf. accepts no liability for any damage which may be caused directly or indirectly from using the company’s website or material, or damage which may be caused by the fact that the website could not be used for a shorter or longer period of time; furthermore, the company accepts no liability for any damage caused by users' lost investment opportunities.

Stefnir hf. has copyright on all the information published on the Company’s website and media, unless otherwise specified or can be deduced from the nature of the material.

Trading in financial instruments can involve certain risks. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future performance. Users of the Stefnir hf. website and/or published Stefnir material are encouraged to obtain general information on the nature of securities transactions, investments, tax issues and other matters connected to securities transactions from competent parties.

Anybody requiring further information on the financial instruments discussed on the Company's website is advised to contact a suitable adviser. In some cases, it may prove impossible to conduct business with financial instruments about which information is published on the website and/or media of Stefnir hf. and trading may then be restricted to a specific group of investors.


Investing in financial instruments always involves a financial risk, such as the risk that the investment will not generate a return or that the principal amount will be lost. Past returns are not a reliable indicator of future returns. It should be noted that the risk of an investment increased if it is financed using credit and investment returns can fluctuate. The taxation of investments depends on the circumstances of each individual client and can change in the future. Therefore, it is important for investors to investigate themselves how the investment is taxed.

Investors are encouraged to carry out their own checks and analysis, e.g. reading the appropriate information documents and independently assessing such documents before making a decision on a specific investment. The prospectus and key investor information for Undertakings for the Collective Investment in Transferable Securities (UCITS) and alternative investment funds marketed towards the public contain further information on the relevant fund, including risk and whether the fund is classed as a UCITS or an alternative investment fund marketed towards the public. You can read the prospectus and key investor information for each fund on Stefnir’s website by clicking on the name of that fund.

This information is provided for information purposes only and it should not be interpreted as advice to make a particular investment or as advice to buy, sell or dispose of in any other way specific financial instruments. This information is based on sources which Stefnir considers to be reliable, but it cannot be guaranteed that these sources are correct. Stefnir bears no responsibility for decisions or transactions which people may make on the basis of the information set out here.

See further disclaimer here: General disclaimer


Different laws and regulations apply to UCITS from those which apply to alternative investment funds marketed towards the public, e.g. with respect to investment authorizations and duty to effect redemption. The investment authorizations of UCITS are more restricted. Alternative investment funds marketed towards the public are considered to be higher risk investments than UCITS. The greater risk associated with alternative investment funds marketed towards the public is a result of its broader investment authorizations which could result in less risk distribution than in a UCITS. Please note that investing in unit shares of UCITS and alternative investment funds marketed towards the public generally involves a certain amount of risk. Investments can fall in value or lose all of their value. Past returns on alternative investment funds marketed towards the public are no indication of future returns.

Further information on the above can be obtained in the funds’ prospectus or key information sheet. It is important that investors read these documents before making an investment decision.

Please note that that funds in UCITS are not protected by the Icelandic Financial Institutions Guarantee Fund pursuant to Act No. 89/1999. Further information on the fund can be found on the website

See further disclaimer here: General disclaimer


The contents of this e-mail and its attachments may be confidential. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender and delete the e-mail and any attachments without copying, distributing or making other use of it. If the contents of this e-mail and its attachments are not connected with the activities of Stefnir hf. or its affiliated entities the sender is solely responsible. Unauthorized use can instigate a claim for damages and constitute a criminal offence.

Stefnir hf. and its affiliated entities have taken every reasonable precaution to ensure that this e-mail and any attachments are free from viruses and other errors. However, we can not accept liability for any damage sustained as a result of this e-mail or its attachments, as information is susceptible to change and may contain viruses. We would advise you to carry out your own virus scan before opening any attachment.

The information contained in the e-mail is, unless stated otherwise, unreviewed and may be subject to error, and should not be considered as investment advice of any kind or incentive or an offer to trade or of financial instruments. Please note that trading with financial instruments can be risky and parties are advised to seek expert advice before engaging in a transaction. All information on Stefnir and the Company’s products can be found on the website


Stefnir may in certain circumstances provide financial assistance to certain parties (hereafter “partners”) and this then constitutes a partnership. Stefnir is a UCITS management company and an alternative fund manager which is subject to supervision by the Financial Supervisory Authority of the Central Bank of Iceland. The Company operates in accordance with the UCITS Act and Alternative Investment Fund Managers Act and has an operating licence from the Financial Supervisory Authority of the Central Bank of Iceland.

If the material and/or publicity from the partnership is marketing material as defined by law, this will be stated explicitly. The information which may be contained in the material and/or publicity from the partner is based on information which has been published and is publicly available at the time in question, but Stefnir cannot vouch for the reliability or accuracy of information from third parties. Note that estimates and forecasts may change without notice, positively or negatively, and are subject to external uncertainty and variables which are not controlled by Stefnir. Any opinions expressed in material and/or publicity from the partners are their opinions and do not necessarily reflect Stefnir’s opinions. Information contained in material and/or publicity from partners is provided for information and educational purposes and in no ways constitutes an offer or advice to buy, sell or otherwise dispose of specific financial instruments. Recipients are encouraged to independently check the information in question and seek advice before making an investment decision.

General disclaimer


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1. What are cookies?

A cookie is a small text file that is saved on a computer or other smart device when a website is visited for the first time. A text file is stored on the user´s web browser and the website recognizes the file. The information in the text file can be used to monitor user browsing on the website, improve the service, etc. In this way, certain information can be sent to the user´s browser, which can facilitate access to various functions.  

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4. How long do the cookies stay on users´ computers/ smartphones?

Cookies vary in nature. Some are session cookies and are deleted when the browser is closed. Other cookies are stored on users´computers for as long as is necessary for Stefnir to preserve the cookie, but for a maximum of 24 months from the user´s last visit to the Stefnir website unless the user has deleted it.

5. Stefnir´s handling of personal information

Stefnir´s privacy policy can be found on its website, which provides information about privacy in Stefnir´s work. All personal information that may be generated through the use of cookies will be handled and processed in accordance with the provisions of Act No. 90/2018 on the Protection of Personal Information and the Processing of Personal Information. Stefnir declares that such information will not be processed for any purpose other that those described above and that the information will not be retained longer than is necessary for the purpose of processing. Personal information will not be disclosed to third parties unless otherwise required by law.